Still, Mandalore the Preserver has a great story arc within the series, and based on the games' story it definitely seemed like the next bit of Mandalore's. Although Mandalore is a fan-favorite character, players cannot turn him into a Jedi in Knights of the Old Republic 2. To be honest i chose the sith lord prestige class because it sounded totally cool. That means the only Mandalore to appear in KOTOR 2 is a character. Its pretty simple you you just have to talk to kreia the old lady once you have a dark enough level she will then ask you who you want to be a sith assasin a sith marauder. Okay thanks guys, but what i meant was HOW do i actually become one? i know u have to be bad but it was jsut where do u go or does it come up with a menu blah blah blah.

Keep in mind that when you choose Sith Lord, you will not have many opportunities during level ups to choose new skills and feats. You will have Visas by then, just so you know. In this case, you will want to be Dark Side, obviously. Yes, making rude, dark side conversation choices helps, but so does making dark side choices in the quests.īe really bad! Sith Lord is one of many prestige classes, which you can only reach after becoming a level 15 Light or Dark Side. What matters is taking the dark side choices in the main plots. Actually, you don't have to be a complete jerk to everyone you meet. You just have to make the right decisions. My level is at the very bottom of the dark side. Sith lords are meant to be the dark side equal of a consular and use the force. You won't be as powerful if you are anything but a consular and you become a sith lord.

To be a sith lord, I recommend you start out as a Jedi Consular, and then progress to the dark side and choose sith lord. I am a Sith Lord and former Consular right now.